Dynamic Dogs Massage

Unleashing the Benefits of Photizo Therapy for Dogs

Photizo Infra-Red Light Therapy for Dogs


  1. Introduction to Photizo Therapy
  2. Understanding the Benefits
  3. How Photizo Works for Dogs
  4. Conditions Treated
  5. Non-invasive and Safe Therapy
  6. Integrating Photizo Light Therapy
  7. Conclusion
Photizo Infra-Red Light Therapy for Dogs

Introduction to Photizo Infra-Red Light Therapy for Dogs

As dog owners, we always strive to provide the best care for our furry friends. We want them to be happy, healthy, and free from any discomfort or pain. That’s why when it comes to finding innovative ways to enhance our dogs’ well-being, Photizo Infra-Red Light Therapy is worth considering.

Photizo Infra-Red Light Therapy, also known as photobiomodulation therapy, is a cutting-edge treatment that uses light energy to stimulate healing and pain relief in dogs. This non-invasive therapy has gained popularity in recent years for its remarkable results and gentle approach. As a certified practitioner of Photizo Therapy, I, Dr Aly Grant, have witnessed firsthand the positive impact it can have on dogs’ overall wellness.

Take a look at a recent Red Light Therapy article in the Animal Therapy Magazine

“Shining A Light on Photobiomodulation (PBM)”

Understanding the Benefits of Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy

So, what exactly is Photobiomodulation therapy, and why is it beneficial for dogs? PBM therapy involves the use of specific wavelengths of light to decrease pain transmission & perception, stimulate cellular function and promote healing. When applied to the affected area, the light energy penetrates deep into the tissues, targeting the light sensitive ion channels in cell membranes and triggering a cascade of biological reactions, including enhanced metabolism, proliferation, migration and differentiation of cells.

One of the key benefits of PBM therapy is its ability to reduce inflammation. In dogs, inflammation can occur due to various reasons, including injuries, osteoarthritis, or even post-surgical recovery. By stimulating the cells’ mitochondria, PBM therapy helps to increase the production of ATP, the energy currency of cells. This boost in cellular energy promotes tissue repair, reduces swelling, and alleviates pain.

PBM is also known to decrease pain transduction, transmission, modulation and perception so it positively affects all stages of the pain pathway. It decreases pro-inflammatory markers such as COX-2 (also targeted by anti-inflammatory drugs) and substance-P- a pro-inflammatory neuropeptide; it inhibits peripheral nociceptors (the sensory receptors within superficial tissues that detect and transmit pain) and modulates the perception of pain by the central nervous system via release of the feel-good chemicals- serotonin and endorphins!

Additionally, PBM therapy has been shown to enhance blood circulation, which further aids in the healing process. Improved blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas and removes waste products more efficiently. This increased circulation not only accelerates healing but also helps to reduce the formation of scar tissue.

How Photizo Light Therapy Works for Dogs

Now that we understand the benefits of PBM therapy, let’s delve into how Photizo Light Therapy specifically works for dogs. The Photizo device emits a specific wavelength of light that is safe and effective for canine use. When applied to the skin, the light energy is absorbed by the cells, initiating a cascade of biological responses.

The light energy stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a molecule known for its vasodilatory and pain relieving effects. This dilation of blood vessels in the affected area allows for increased blood flow, promoting the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to support healing. Additionally, nitric oxide has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, further reducing pain and swelling.

Furthermore, Photizo Light Therapy triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving hormones. These endorphins help to alleviate discomfort and improve the overall well-being of our furry friends. The therapy also stimulates the production of collagen, a protein essential for tissue repair and regeneration. By promoting collagen synthesis, Photizo Light Therapy aids in wound healing and reduces the risk of scar tissue formation.

Common Conditions in Dogs that can be Treated with Photizo Light Therapy

Photizo Light Therapy has shown promising results in treating various common conditions that affect dogs. One such condition is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease that causes pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility. The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects of PBM therapy can provide much-needed relief to dogs suffering from osteoarthritis, enabling them to move more comfortably and enjoy a better quality of life.

Other conditions that can benefit from Photizo Light Therapy include musculoskeletal injuries. Whether it’s a sprain, strain, spasm, trigger point, tendonitis or a microtear, these injuries can be debilitating for our canine companions. By accelerating the healing process and reducing pain and inflammation, PBM therapy can help dogs recover faster and get back to their happy, active selves.

Furthermore, Photizo Light Therapy has been found to be effective in wound healing. Whether it’s a surgical incision, lick granuloma or a skin abrasion, the therapy promotes tissue repair and minimises the risk of infection. This can be particularly beneficial for dogs prone to skin issues or those with compromised immune systems.

The Non-Invasive and Safe Nature of Photizo Light Therapy

One of the greatest advantages of Photizo Light Therapy is its non-invasive and complementary safe nature. Unlike some traditional treatment methods, such as medications or invasive procedures, PBM therapy does not carry the risk of adverse side effects. The light energy emitted by the Photizo device is gentle, yet powerful enough to stimulate healing at the cellular level.

Photizo Light Therapy is also a drug-free alternative, making it suitable for dogs with sensitivities or contraindications to certain medications. This natural approach to healing is well-tolerated by most dogs, with no need for eye protection, anaesthesia or sedation during the treatment sessions. It’s a stress-free experience that promotes relaxation and well-being.

Additionally, PBM therapy does not require any downtime or recovery period. Dogs can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment, without any restrictions. This makes Photizo Light Therapy a convenient and accessible option for busy pet parents who want the best for their furry friends.

Integrating Photizo Light Therapy into your Dog's Wellness Routine

Now that you’re familiar with the many benefits of Photizo Light Therapy, you may be wondering how to integrate it into your dog’s wellness routine. The first step is to consult with a certified practitioner, such as myself, Dr Aly Grant of Dynamic Dogs Massage. As a certified practitioner of Photizo Therapy, I have the knowledge and expertise to tailor the treatment to your dog’s specific needs.

During the initial consultation, I will assess your dog’s condition and recommend a personalised treatment plan. The frequency and duration of the sessions will depend on the severity of the condition and the desired outcome. Typically, a series of treatments is recommended initially, followed by maintenance sessions to ensure long-term well-being. I can also offer rental of a Photizo unit so you can carry out your own dog’s treatment yourself at home as often as you wish.

The treatment sessions themselves are simple and stress-free. Your dog will be comfortably positioned, and the Photizo device will be applied to the affected area or areas. The therapy session usually lasts around 15-20 minutes, during which your dog can relax or even enjoy some treats or cuddles from you. The gentle light emitted by the device is soothing and comforting for dogs, making it a positive experience overall.

Enhance Your Dog's Well-Being with Photizo Light Therapy

In conclusion, Photizo Light Therapy is a remarkable treatment option that can significantly improve your dog’s well-being. By harnessing the power of infra-red light energy, this non-invasive therapy stimulates healing, reduces pain and inflammation, and promotes overall wellness. Whether your dog is suffering from osteoarthritis, musculoskeletal injuries, or requires wound healing, Photizo Light Therapy can provide effective relief and aid in the recovery process.

As a certified practitioner of Photizo Therapy, I, Dr Aly Grant of Dynamic Dogs Massage, am dedicated to helping your furry friend live their best life. By integrating Photizo Light Therapy into your dog’s wellness routine, you can ensure they receive the care and support they deserve. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me to learn more about how Photizo Light Therapy can benefit your dog and to schedule a consultation. Together, let’s enhance your dog’s well-being and bring back their wagging tails.

© 2023 Dynamic Dogs.