Passive Stretching

To complement canine massage therapy.

Passive stretching relaxes ligament and muscle tension promoting free movement. Regular stretching improves co-ordination and balance plus can prevent muscle problems like stress points or spasms arising.

Dynamic Dogs Massage


Stretching muscle lengthens and re-aligns the fibres, maintains muscle and joint flexibility plus improves elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments for easier, more controlled and quicker movements.


Stretching loosens joint capsules which helps the body feel more relaxed. Muscle scar contractures are released and muscle pain is relieved from chronic tension. Stretching reduces post-exercise soreness and stiffness.


Stretching increases blood and lymphatic circulation plus brings in more oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. It helps prevent inflammation and scar tissue formation, removes lactic acid, carbon dioxide and other metabolic toxins from the muscles.


Regular stretching improves joint range of motion and increases length of stride.


Stretching increases the dogs’ sense of body awareness (proprioception) plus improves co-ordination and balance.


Stretching decreases motor nerve tension transmitted through the body and sends relaxation impulses via the sensory nerves to the central nervous system-leading to overall physical and mental relaxation.

Stretching is always carried out after massage or exercise when the dog is warm to prevent damage to tendons, muscles and ligaments.

Find out more about how regular stretching can help your dog.

© 2023 Dynamic Dogs.